Sunday, August 27, 2006

A turning point

Training's been getting tougher and tougher as the weeks go by...6 more weeks to Taiwan! How fast is that? Before I know it, it will all be over..hopefully =] One thing that I learnt this week is about myself. There is alot for me to do before I can be the type of man God wants me to be. I have areas in my life that desperately needs to be altered, and I am depending on Him to give me the strength needed for such a change.

To love someone like I love myself stills proves to be quite difficult for me. Some people are just[ However, I will obey His command. It's obedience that will change me. Therefore, currently my goal is to become a better person, hahas..This coming week is Single Tank Battlecourse. I will be going for my first outfield in Armour for 3 1/2 days. Next up will be Basic Main Range in which I will fire off the tank's main gun! Woohoo, I can barely wait..

The flipside to this week - no bookout! I will be going back to my BMT days where you get confined for 2 weeks before they let you out. See you guys again in 12 days! God bless you all loads, and take good care of yourselves..

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