Thursday, September 04, 2008

A wake up call from within..

It has been easier said than done..So much for depending on God and drawing on His strength. I have been depending on my own for the past 3 weeks, and I'm feeling really tired. So many times have I tried to wake up early to spend at least an hour in the morning to fellowship with Him, but I fail to drag my weary body out of the bed.

So much time was wasted in doing things that are a complete waste of time, so undisciplined was my life. I always knew that things were not going in the right direction, but the motivation to steer back on track was always lacking. I think I'm definitely heading in the wrong direction now!

I thank God that He has always been there for me when I needed Him most. I thank Him for giving me this wake up call that I can change before it is too late. Now all I need is His strength to be with me as I embark on this journey through school, exercise and life with Him once again.

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