Thursday, October 28, 2010

Closer to the edge

Pain is pleasure; I discovered that today. Many times we fear the unknown, fear what is beyond that burning sensation in our thighs or calves when we cycle or run. I was always one who never really ventured beyond that barrier. I was cautious.

However, there are times when we throw caution to the wind and embrace the pain like it is a form of suicide. Escapism. Like what Lance Armstrong said: "All endurance athletes are running away from something". When we undertake such an act, sometimes we might even surprise ourselves.

1. You discover that after crossing over the pain barrier, there is no more pain. As the saying goes: "Numbness is Ironman foreplay".
2. You discover your true limit. You are pushed to the edge by yourself (if you have the guts to reach that stage).
3. You come out a happier person. Endorphins?
4. Add on new things as you experience them =]

So go ahead, push yourself to the edge, test how brave you are.


lemin said...

i pushed hard during my ride today n your post was on my mind all the way. N boy was i surprised how great it felt pushing pass the barriers.


Norman Lin said...

=] hahas! glad that it motivated you somehow =p this was just something i discovered while training alone. Being alone really does clear up your mind...

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