Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!!

Last year went by in a flash! A new year beckons, and so too its challenges..This year had been pretty rewarding for me in terms of self-discovery and character development. National Service was the medium that made all these possible. I believe that as long as one is positive, one will definitely many things and find joy in doing even the lamest things (not that I'm suggesting that National Service is lame).

Well, this 2007 I will embark on my instructorship tour, taking 2 batches of cadets, training them until they commission. I believe that there are so much more things that I can still pick up on the job, and I can scarcely wait. This is going to be so darn exciting! Furthermore, I hope to also develop my inner man, to reach a higher spiritual level, to have a breakthrough! Also I would stand firm in His Word, and live my life right. All these would be my resolution for 2007! So what's yours? Start penning them down; as research shows that people who write down their goals tend to achieve it as compared to those who don't. All the best in the new year people! God bless you and your family richly!! =]

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