Sunday, August 12, 2007


Hello world! It's been like 2 months since I've last updated..=[ There's so much to say that it discourages me to blog because time is needed to pen this thoughts down. So as the days go by, as things pile up, I just simply shoved this blog aside.

Thank you, those pals who still check out this weird blog for updates! Hahas..hope I do not disappoint you again in the future with a 2 month no-post streak. =]

Anyways, so much has happened these 2 months! I've drawn closer to God, been transformed, achieved a greater understanding of things around me and realised that God is always there with me. Just last night at a BBQ function, a spoke with a 50+ year old lady whose words of wisdom touched me and answered some of my heart-pressing issues. I love talking to people who have gone there done that. Their experience is really worth tapping into, and understanding such a simple fact could save you loads of time searching for the purpose of your life, or any other solutions.

A book and a film also greatly ministered to me these months. They are Wild At Heart by John Eldredge and Facing the Giants respectively. For those who have not read nor seen the above-mentioned book and film, I strongly urge you to do so. You never know how it can impact your life, like it impacted mine.

Lastly, I'm leaving you guys with something the lady said last night - The shortest way to God is on your knees. God bless you loads!

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