Saturday, February 02, 2008

It's Chinese New Year month!

I'm back in Singapore! "This is home, truly, where my dreams wait for me." It has been a really cool backpacking trip with Li Keng and Wei Lynn man! We've experienced travelling in all sense of the word. We travelled using aeroplanes, buses (seats), buses (beds), pick-up truck (Li Keng and I), car (8 people squeezed in 1), boat, train, motocycle, and the conventional walking. =]

I've learnt alot about the history of Cambodia/Cambodge/Kampuchea, thanks to Wei Lynn! It has really opened my mind to travelling. That it should be about understanding everything about the country and not just to see the tourist attractions, because most of the times, those do not tell the true story about the country. They just provide the tourist with what they would like to see.

On other matters, when it was drawing near to our return to Singapore, I felt that I was getting very unfit. All the good and cheap food over there really spoilt me! Therefore, I went for a run this morning to get myself in shape for the Singapore Biathlon which is only 28 days away! It was a disaster, the run. I felt so tired and had no motivation to go on. It was one of the worst runs that I have ever done. Well, I hope this is just due to the accumulated fatigue from the trip that will wear away soon, paving the way for my route to fitness once again. =]

Till then, take cares and God bless!

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