Saturday, July 29, 2006

I see the light..

Another week has past by! This week has been quite relaxing, which is seriously a rarity in Armour. Anyways, I made use of my free time reading and finishing Witnessing Without Fear. I now know what I am commanded to do. It is actually so simple!

"Success in witnessing is simply taking the initiative to share Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit, and leaving the results to God. " - Bill Bright

It is so beautifully summed up in this sentence. I have been reading this book for the past 2 weeks, and I have learnt loads from it which really enlightened me. This book made me want to live my life differently and walk closer to Him to be sensitive to all of His promptings. Several positive incidents have happened, and I hope you will be encouraged by them as I share them with you.

On my book in day last week, the book was in my hands because that seemed to be the only time I am free to read. I was supposed to take the bus then the MRT and then the bus again to my desolate camp, but I somehow decided against the idea, and hopped onto a cab instead. After telling the uncle my destination, I focused my eyes on the book. Suddenly, a strange prompting came to my mind - why read, do what you have learnt so far from this book. I closed the book and took in a deep breath. I wanted to witness to the cabbie but I did not know how to start this conversation, and I was a little embarrass to bring this topic up. I immediately prayed and asked for guidance from the Holy Spirit. After around 7mins of mind-fighting, I blurted out, "Uncle, have you heard of this person called Jesus?"

To make things harder, the entire conversation was in Mandarin. Before you jump the gun, I wish to clarify that I can speak fluent Mandarin, but the problem was that I have never witness in Mandarin before. This was a first. I stepped out in faith and I believed that God will honor that and bring me through this sharing process. Throughout the witnessing, I kept telling myself that it is not of my own strength but His. I was amazed that the uncle was quite receptive to my sharing! Praise the Lord! As we talked, I realised that his brother was a Christian. However this uncle never really got witnessed to by his brother. Upon reaching my camp, I told the uncle to get more information from his brother regarding this matter. I left him with the 4 Spiritual Laws I shared.

Earlier this week for my book in, I took a cab again. This time I still had the prompting to share the Gospel with the cabbie again. The usual mind-fighting begins, but this time it took a shorter time before I asked the uncle how he spent his free-time, and suggesting that he could visit a church. He was yet again very receptive! Amen! Apparently, his daughter-to-be brings him to church but he hardly understands a word spoken because his first language is Mandarin. I shared with him again, and even suggested that he visited my church for the Miracle Service on saturdays. Upon reaching my destination, uncle assured me that he will do just that when he finds the time. On both occasions, I walked into camp smiling from ear to ear. I was just so happy and filled with joy. Witnessing was indeed simple if you just obey.

I really believe now that people out there are receptive to the Gospel, it is just that no one has approached them to reveal this wonderful present that is readily available to them. Matthew 9:37 depicts this as "The harvest truly is plentiful, but the laborers are few." Therefore people go out there with your harvesting bag and axe and claim what belongs to our Lord!

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