Friday, February 13, 2009

It feels great to be back =]

I am finally back training with the team! After 5 days of rest due to my sudden flu and sore throat, I went for yesterday's 14km run training with immense enthusiasm. I was already at the pool at 4pm when training was at 6pm, I decided to read up on abit of physioloy before training. =]

However, my plan was screwed by my lunch. I was feeling super hot inside. I had 'herbal black chicken' soup for lunch and according to Xu Sheng, it was super 'heaty'. I should not be having that as I am still recovering from my sore throat and flu. Drats.

Anyways, to combat the 'heatiness', I drank loads of water. I went ahead with the run and it felt really good. I felt really blessed to be able to train again. Towards the last 3km of the run, blisters appeared on my left foot. It hurt so badly, but I took in the pain. "Love the pain", I told myself. For I considered it a gift that I was even able to run. I ran like an animal. A wolf even wounded will run till its death than get killed by a human. Soon, the 'heatiness' got the better of me and blood trickled down my nostril. Thankfully it was not a lot. I managed to keep it in until the end of the 14km. By then, it had already clotted.

I went home yesterday feeling really happy and abit of feverish. After dinner, I took my temperature and was disappointed that my initial diagnosis was right. I had mild fever. I took 2 paracetamol tablets and slept the fever away. =] The fever was gone this morning and I am looking forward to swim training later!

There will be blood in the water..

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