Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Half-empty or half-full? What's the verdict..

Today, I felt like my hands were going to cramp in the pool. I was quite looking forward to that, imagining what people few years from today will say about how tough aquathlon training was that one of its members suffered a hand cramp while swimming! =] That was exactly what went through my mind while I was struggling to move my body in the water..

It was different, today. I did not feel the usual dread of going for swim training today, I don't know why. Even after getting tortured/raped in the pool today, I still felt the same. I am looking forward to Wednesday's swim training already! =] I really hope to break through the plateau phase that I'm currently experiencing with my swimming. Zhiyun really put this down in perfect description: "If I can't pull as hard as the rest, I will kick harder; if talent is lacking, I will substitute it with pure hard work". Beautiful. The words resonate with my belief too, although at times it might get chucked into the back seat of my mind. She really reminded me on the concept of hard work, of reaping what you sowed. Nil Sine Labore. Perhaps that's why we kind of think the same way with regards to this.

After training today, I approached her to help me check my strokes. The verdict was not what I had expected.. "You are not gliding enough", "Your legs are sinking and you need to try push your chest down to get streamlined" and "Your head is abit too high up" were the views offered. I felt pretty screwed up for just 3secs. After so long, I'm still not gliding! What the hell is wrong with me?

I could have chosen to continue down this path of self-destruction or take the advice and better myself. I chose the latter. After 3secs I told myself that maybe this is what's stopping me from breaking through to the next level. Maybe that is why I'm stagnant now, not improving like before. To be honest, I really felt that I have improved quite abit after all these months of training. So if I take these suggestions and correct my strokes, boy, I think I will do much better! I'm so damn excited sia!! =]

Life is always about perspective, how you look at things. The cup can be both half-empty or half-full, you are the one who decides. I always believe that attitude means half the battle won. This time, I will put it to the test again..


zy_ said...

OIE! you asked me for stroke correction, so obviously i had to nitpick! your stroke is a lot better now, honest! just that no one stroke is ever perfect. not mine, not jj's, not joshua or sunny. so we all have to keep working.

and i think life is made up of many glasses. and the one you are filling now is 3/4 full already. go fill it up, then we start again with a brand new glass, and glass after glass. enjoying even the emptiness that has to be there sometimes; otherwise you won't have anything to fill. (:

jiayou ok! take it easy but nail it hard. (:

Norman Lin said...

yuppers! I know, that's why I thought it was really good that you pointed those things out. I really really really appreciate it loads! Seriously..thanks so much zhiyun! =]

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