Monday, April 13, 2009

Sometimes you're down, sometimes you're up

Ever since last Wednesday's run with Coach David, I've not been training until the ride yesterday at Changi coastal road. Perhaps I have been training too regularly, so much so that when I actually take a break for 3 days, it felt like I was slacking for weeks!

The ride yesterday was pretty bad for me. After the 2nd loop of 30km, I was almost spent. It was a stark difference compared to last week's 100km ride. I attributed it to the lack of Thursday morning hill slayer training last week as I was resting.. It will be back this week, the hill killa sets are superb and must be done albeit tough!

Today, I went to the pool after school and did a 4km swim. I felt that I should be doing more of such training in preparation for the Switzerland Ironman just 3 months away! Speed work at such a time would be pretty meaningless (or is it?) =] I hope to up the mileage to 6km eventually, although Jason claims that 5km will be sufficient..We'll see..5km sounds really good too. =]

I will be doing the track sets tomorrow and I hope my right lateral arch wouldn't act up again..I need to be well..I really need it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bro, find this song: Just a ride -by JEM, OC Soundtrack

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