Sunday, May 03, 2009

Week 1 round-up

This week marked the start of my intensive training and studying. It was really very fruitful, although there are some areas which can still be improved on.. =] So here are the workouts that I did:

Monday: 16km pace run (morning) and 4km long swim (evening)
Tuesday: 80km bike ride [at 30km/h] (evening)
Wednesday: 21km long run in 2hrs (morning) and 3km swim [1km-easy, 1km-pulling, 1km-swim] (evening)
Thursday: 2km swim [pulling] (evening)
Friday: Desaru bike ride [20km-15km-35km-35km-15km-20km intervals]
Saturday: Rest/Mug day
Sunday: 110km bike ride (afternoon)

Total Swim Mileage: 9km
Total Bike Mileage: 335km
Total Run Mileage: 37km

There needs to be more work put in for the run.. I hope that all these training will aid me in Switzerland.. =] Now, let's look forward to the new week! =] 2 more weeks to freedom!

1 comment:

josh said...

You are INSANE! like jon ma... but i still wanna run with you... HAHA! **LIKES**

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