Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Model day!

Today was the 1st time in medical school that I felt I was actually productive! Had practicals in the day, identifying the lower limb muscles was facilitated by watching Acland's the night before =] It was really good, and for once I felt quite confident.

After lunch I headed back for a quick nap and started my tutorial. Normally 7 questions will take around 14-21hrs to complete. However, I managed to complete it in less than 6hrs! I even went for a 16km run at 5pm, clocking 77mins. It was quite a good aerobic exercise I felt, but my legs are pretty tired.

This could be the start of something really exciting! At the start of this week, I decided to once again commit everything into His hands and let Him show me the way. For through the past 8 weeks I was treading the waters ALONE and was just short of drowning. He is going to show me how to walk on the water! This I am very sure... All praise be to God for today.

Happy like mad! Finally, an early night which I will cherish very very much.

This is just a quote that really impacted me a lot, hope you guys get to glean something out of it too. =]

I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business. - Michael J. Fox

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